Direct reservation

Save on your booking

By booking directly from our official website, you have the possibility to get the best guaranteed rate, you can also modify or cancel your reservation free of charge up to 30 days before your arrival (42 days if you book with or Expedia).

Check now how much you save by booking from our official website and if the quote satisfies you, confirm, only later cancel the reservation made with or Expedia.

If, on the other hand, you already have a booking with or Expedia, and you no longer find the availability you were looking for, contact us immediately via email at or by telephone at the following numbers: +39 3389766350 (Manuela), we will do it for you.

Remember therefore, you will surely have the best guaranteed rate and the best conditions for changing and canceling your reservation in any period, as well as of course the possibility of having direct contact with us at any time.

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